Monday, June 20, 2011


Summer is here!! I am so excited to start picking fresh veggies out of the garden! If you were not able to have a garden this year, it is not too late! Check out your local Farmers Market. I love getting up early on Saturday mornings just to have the opportunity to talk with my local farmers! The sun is shining bright let's take advantage of it! Get outside and enjoy this sunshine! Go fishing, walking, running, camping, gardening, kayaking, boating...........get outside!!!!

Don't forget to wear your SUNBLOCK!! The sun is beautiful, but has a past of biting sometimes :)

Have fun!
Anna <><

1 comment:

  1. If I didn't worship the Lord, I might be a sun-worshiper;-) BUT...He did create the sun in all its glory!!! P.S. Invest in some NATURAL suncreen, folks! Much of the commercial stuff has chemicals that when your pores open from the heat, these chemicals seep into the skin and bloodsteam, causing many possible side effects such as allergic reactions, headaches, and even mutation of cells. ~Cara
