Tuesday, June 28, 2011

June TV Show Recipe

Here is the Recipe from the month of June's Healthy Heart Healthy Community TV Show!
Enjoy and Good Luck! -
- Anna

Homemade Gluten steaks

1 cup vital wheat gluten flour

1 TB. vegetarian "beef" seasoning

1/4 cup white flour

Mix together dry ingredients:  Then add:

1 cup cold water.

Form into log shape and wrap in plastic wrap.  Place in refrigerator for 1/2 hour.  Cut into 1/2 inch slices.  Roll out into patty shapes.  Boil in seasoned broth for 45-60 minutes.  After boiling gluten, coat patties with desired seasoned breading mixture  and saute on lightly oiled fry pan or bake in oven until lightly browned. or cover with your favorite barbeque sauce and bake in the oven.

Broth for Gluten

In a large pot add water

Chopped onion and garlic

soy sauce or Braggs liquid aminos

(May also use packaged seasoning such as onion soup mix)

Garbanzo Gravy

2 Cups Water

1/2 onion, chopped

3/4 cup cooked garbanzos

1/4 cup whole wheat flour or cornstarch

1/8 tsp celery seed

1/4 cup soy sauce or Braggs Liquid Aminos

1/4 tsp. salt

Blend all ingredients in blender until smooth.  Cook over low heat, stirring until thickened.  Serve hot.

Monday, June 20, 2011


Summer is here!! I am so excited to start picking fresh veggies out of the garden! If you were not able to have a garden this year, it is not too late! Check out your local Farmers Market. I love getting up early on Saturday mornings just to have the opportunity to talk with my local farmers! The sun is shining bright let's take advantage of it! Get outside and enjoy this sunshine! Go fishing, walking, running, camping, gardening, kayaking, boating...........get outside!!!!

Don't forget to wear your SUNBLOCK!! The sun is beautiful, but has a past of biting sometimes :)

Have fun!
Anna <><

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Garden Recipe

Composting may seem like an odd Post on a "Healthy Heart Blog", but...
Our food should originate from the earth, and the earth's soil must be fertile.
Composting does that!!!
So, to follow up, here's a 'from your soon to be growing gardens' recipe:

Quinoa Salsa Salad

2 cups of Quinoa, rinsed
2 cloves of Garlic, minced
1 medium Cucumber, diced
1 medium Yellow Summer Squash, diced
1/2 cup pitted Black Olives
1 can of Garbonzo Beans, drained (optional ingredient)


2 cups of garden Tomatoes, diced
2 cloves of Garlic, minced
1 cup Red Onion, chopped
2 Tbsp. of ground Cumin (optional ingredient)
1/2 cup fresh Parsely, chopped
1/4 cup freshly squeezed Orange Juice
2 Tbsp. Red Wine Vinegar (or Balsalmic)

Cook Quinoa by package's instructions (boil like rice, usually takes ~20 min.).
Cool Quinoa then add cukes, squash, olives & beans if you'd like.
Prepare Salsa by mixing all ingredients in one bowl.
Pour salsa over the top of the Quinoa mix. 
Sea Salt & Pepper to taste.
Toss & serve chilled.

***Though you may not grow Quinoa in your backyard, it is worth picking up at your local grocer's (It can also be found at Bread of Life in Presque Isle).
Quinoa is a gluten free grain, packed with protein (the highest of any grain)!

Blessings of Health & Energy for the day,

Thursday, June 2, 2011

All About Composting

All About Composting

Building and maintaining a compost pile is the easiest way to become a better gardener. You will be produce prime, rich food for your garden with leaves, eggshells, orange rinds, coffee grounds, grass & more!

Compost improves soil structure. Most gardeners don't start with great soil. Whether yours is hard, sandy, stony, or wet, adding compost will improve its texture and fertility. Your soil will gradually become fluffy and brown—the ideal home for healthy plants.

Compost provides a balanced source of plant nutrients. Even if you are lucky enough to have great soil, you can't expect the soil to remain rich and productive without replenishing the nutrients each growing season. No commercial fertilizer, even one that is totally organic, provides the full spectrum of nutrients that you get with compost.

Compost stimulates beneficial organisms. Compost teams with soil fauna that help convert soil nutrients to be readily absorbed by your plants. The microorganisms, enzymes, vitamins and natural antibiotics in the compost help prevent soil pathogens from harming your plants. Earthworms & other macro-organisms tunnel thru the soil, opening up passages for air & water to reach plant roots.

Compost is garden insurance. Adding compost moderates pH and fertility. Unlike commercial fertilizers, which need to be applied at the right time and in the right amount, compost can be applied at any time and in any amount. You can't really over-apply it. Plants use exactly what they need, when they need it.

Compost is the perfect thing to spread around when creating a new garden, seeding a new lawn, or planting a tree. Compost can be sprinkled around plants during the growing season or used as a mulch in perennial gardens. You can add compost to flower boxes and deck planters. You can also use it to enrich the potting soil for your indoor plants!

For more Composting Info., check out these resources:

Happy Earthing!