Friday, May 20, 2011


When you're in a tense or anger-inducing situation, taking a walk can calm your mind -- because it calms your body.

Walking reduces stress in the body in several ways:
  • It helps to eliminate stress hormones (such as adrenaline) from your body.
  • It reduces tension in several large muscle groups -- the glutes (buttocks), the quads (front of thighs) and hamstrings (back of thighs).
  • It increases the production of beta-endorphins, which are thought to calm the body and promote restful sleep.
-Bally Total Fitness

Yesterday I did the fitness minute shoot for our Healthy Heart TV Show that veiws May 28 @ 7:30pm on WAGM and May 29 @ 6:30 on FOX. We talked about walking and how it lowers cholesterol. Joe Sleeper from Sleepers Store in Caribou was my special guest on the show. We had alot of fun! Joe told us how important it is to wear appropriate footware for exercising! I hope you get a chance to watch it!!! Keep WALKING!!!
- Anna

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Olives & Health

Olives Are Technically A Fruit! In fact, they are one of the most mineral rich fruits on Earth. Olives are high in calcium & magnesium which help to build bones. They also contain vitamins A, E & the rich, heart healthy oleic acid. Olives also contain protein and polyphenols which possess anti-bacterial properties.

Are Olives Fattening?  They contain monounsaturated fats which are much healthier than trans fats or saturated fats found in other foods. Our bodies DO NEED some of the unsaturated fats to strengthen cell membranes, beautify the skin, and lubricate our joints & intestines.

What To Do With Olives?  No salad is complete without olives. Pit them, chop them, and sprinkle them on your greens. I like to use them in my baking, for example- chop up a cup of organic olives and add them to your Whole Grain Bread dough! Did you know olives contain a protein-to-fat ratio that is similar to red meat, but none of the cholesterol?  It's true!!!
~  Cara

Monday, May 16, 2011


Experts have recommended high-impact aerobic exercise as a means for increasing bone mass, but a review of 24 studies on aerobic exercise and bone mineral density in women suggests that walking just 30 minutes per day a few days a week is enough to moderately increase overall bone density. - American Council on Exercise

Tip of the Day!

Don't be afraid to park in the back of the parking lot at your buisness, or grocery store and walk further to your destination. Also, trying standing and walking around everytime you answer your cell phone! Good Luck!!!! - Anna

Forgotten Secret

The benefits of drinking water are so amazing that it's been called the forgotten secret of health.
Most people live in a state of chronic dehydration and may not even realize it.
75% of your body is water and 90% of your brain. I'm sure you've heard that before, but doesn't that tell you something? Keep a glass of water handy, there's nothing that can replace it.

To learn more about how the body works and how much to drink, read about chronic dehydration.
The benefits are yours only if you drink water, coffee, tea and coke are not the same thing. So what do you reach for? Train yourself to reach for water; here's to your health! - Cleanse and Detox Lifestyle

I love water! Drink some today, I guarantee you'll feel great!!!!!! - Anna