Monday, September 19, 2011

Anti Aging

Healthy Heart Living is Building a Long, Rich Life of Wellness!
Secrets of Anti-Aging~ Series

Calorie Restriction:
In more than seven decades of research, calorie restriction has been found to be the only known anti-aging intervention that can increase average and maximum lifespan. Scientists continue to unravel many of the favorable biological consequences of dietary calorie restriction, which include: improvements in insulin sensitivity, glucose balance, apoptosis (cell death) regulation, reduction of oxidative stress and partial restoration of hormone levels that tend to fall with age. Eat wholesome, nutrient rich foods of the Earth.  Get away from those life sucking process foods of chemicals, sugars and dangerous fats!

In 2009, Elizabeth Blackburn and her colleagues were awarded a Nobel Prize for defining the structure and function of telomeres and their relationship to the enzyme telomerase. Telomeres are DNA protectors that help prevent loss of genetic information during cell division.
Protocols for supporting telomere length include healthy living & disease management and the consumption of a variety of nutrients or botanicals: Astragalus extracts, Vitamin D, omega-3 fatty acids (fish, flax, almonds, walnuts, avocados), antioxidants (spices, tea, fruits, greens), and other botanical agents. Scientists acknowledge that a perfect compound to promote telomerase activity has not yet been found.  

Be Well, Be Kind, 